Closed Cell Polyurethane Floor Spray

Polyurethane spray foam insulation is increasingly being used for its excellent thermal insulation performance and adaptability to the unique characteristics of all types of substrates. But once this system has been chosen, a final decision has to be made: closed-cell...

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Low-density, open-cell spray insulation

Air leakage through the building envelope accounts for about one third of the air infiltration in buildings. To improve indoor comfort and promote savings, it is necessary to install an insulation system that eliminates thermal bridges and ensures airtightness.

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Acoustic insulation in buildings to gain comfort and health

Noise affects people's well-being and has important consequences on their health. Noise insulation of buildings eliminates the disturbance caused by common impact noise as well as airborne noise. Improving the sound insulation of buildings is therefore essential to...

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Thermal and acoustic insulation with injected polyurethane

Injected polyurethane systems are obtained on site by the chemical reaction between polyol and isocyanate. The result is a resistant and versatile material with a very low thermal conductivity. In the case of thermal insulation with injected polyurethane, excellent...

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Sprayed polyurethane foam systems for facades and partition walls

The acoustic insulation of facades and partition walls of a building is essential to guarantee the quality of life of its occupants. Among a multitude of materials with which we can insulate facades, sprayed polyurethane foam is presented as an optimal material to...

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Injected polyurethane systems from Synthesia Technology

Thermal insulation with injected polyurethane is essential for the energy efficiency of buildings. Its application fills in gaps, cracks and fissures and stabilises the element to which it is applied, also construction elements are also repaired with an effective...

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poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO

Case Study: Poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO

Thermal-Acoustic Insulation of single-family houses with Synthesia Technology's Poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO system.




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