Synthesia Technology- Polyurethane Systems

3 Keys to saving energy in construction

Written by Synthesia Technology | 27 December 2023

One of the great challenges facing buildings today is to implement systems, technologies and elements that help to use electrical energy in an optimal way to avoid waste.

Construction must be done in such a way that energy requirements can be met optimally and efficiently. What are the keys to achieving energy savings in construction?

1. Introducing renewable energies into the home.

Renewable energy sources are those that produce energy whose primary source is a natural resource that has the property of being inexhaustible, such as the sun, water or leftover organic matter.

This type of energy can also be used in the home. 3 of the main renewable energy sources for domestic use are solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind energy.

  • Photovoltaic solar energy: The most common type of renewable energy available for the home is photovoltaic solar energy, which is obtained by installing photovoltaic panels. It is based on generating electricity from sunlight.
  • Solar thermal energy: This type of energy is easily identifiable on the roofs of buildings. It involves harnessing the sun's energy to produce heat and heat water, e.g., for domestic hot water or heating.
  • Wind energy: Instead of using the sun as a natural source of energy, wind energy generates energy through the wind and, although less common, can also be used in households. Local wind turbines are used to generate electricity from wind.

2. The importance of building orientation and design.

Also important is the orientation and design of the building, which should be oriented towards the sun to maximise the light and heat from solar energy. This technology is known as passive solar design and minimises energy consumption.

3. Materials that help to insulate against heat or cold: polyurethane.

Thermal insulation is of vital importance to protect us from both heat and cold. 


What are the reasons to insulate your home?

  • Protect yourself from the cold in winter and forget about the heat in summer.
  • Avoid dampness: Water vapour condenses when the ambient humidity is too high, and the wall temperature is too cold. By increasing its temperature, condensation will be prevented.
  • Guaranteed acoustic insulation: Noise is one of the main factors of discomfort in our society.
  • Save energy: In a house that is not well insulated, energy loss is higher in winter. Thanks to insulation, we can significantly reduce energy consumption, which translates into significant economic savings. 
  • Reductions in CO2 emissions: Buildings require energy depending on aspects such as their surroundings, orientation and occupancy. There are many measures that help reduce energy consumption in buildings. We understand that the first is insulation.

What are the advantages of insulating with polyurethane?

  • Providing comfortable living and working environments: Putting optimal amounts of insulation in our roofs, facades and floors makes it easier to keep our buildings at a comfortable temperature throughout the year.
  • Reducing energy consumption and costs: Insulation is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, whether old or new.
  • Durability: One of the most important aspects to consider is how insulation will perform over time. After all, it is an investment that is supposed to save money and protect the environment, and it will do so only if its thermal performance lasts.
  • Versatility: PU insulation is used in all kinds of applications and takes many different forms, including: 
    • Polyurethane sprayed or injected or applied "in situ". 
    • Polyurethane sandwich panels for architectural or industrial use. 
    • Polyurethane sandwich panels for cold storage rooms
    • Shaped Polyurethane sheets, obtained by cutting blocks or by lamination
    • Pre-insulated pipes with injected Polyurethane
    • Pipe insulation shells

At Synthesia Technology, our Closed-cell Polyurethane Spray products are perfect for achieving optimum thermal insulation and energy savings in buildings and homes. This is our family of products Poliuretan Spray, such as Poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO, Poliuretan Spray S-35RGB/ECO or Poliuretan Spray S-403 HFO developed with recycled products, such as PET plastic, as well as with products of renewable origin.